This is a screen-reader optimised view of Budget Simulator. Standard View

This is an example consultation for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded.

We all need to get from A to B. Transport plays a big part in our daily lives. As such we want to know what transport measures you would like to see in Bristol to help you get around.

This simulator tool allows you to prioritise transport measures and see the pros and cons for each. You can allocate points to show which measures you would like to see in the city. You may choose to allocate no points to some measures or a full five points to others.

There are only a limited number of points to allocate for your priorities; however you can generate more points by selecting various funding options under the final four tabs on the left hand side of the page.

We want to know what you, our citizens, visitors and stakeholders, want to improve for transport in the city so that we can build it in to the Bristol Transport Strategy, which is a document that sets the vision and objectives for transport up to 2036.

There are two parts to the consultation:

-This simulator tool sets out specific transport measures and asks you to tell us which are your priorities.
-There is a survey that asks for your feedback on the strategy objectives and our proposed approaches for city-wide movement, the city centre, major corridors, local centres,  and neighbourhoods and residential streets.

You can complete this simulator and the survey in any order.  There is a link to the survey at the end of this simulator.

More info

Bristol faces many transport challenges.
One of our biggest challenge is congestion. This generates:
• Poor air quality
• Reduces space and safety for active modes such as walking and cycling
• Makes public transport unreliable
The number of homes and jobs in Bristol is planned to increase over the next 20 years and it is crucial our transport system supports the growth and allows everyone to access opportunities and services easily.

Our vision for Bristol is to be a well-connected city that enables people to move around efficiently with increased transport options that are accessible and inclusive to all. We will deliver an improved sustainable and resilient transport network that that supports Bristol’s vibrant independent local centres and neighbourhoods and connects to an attractive and thriving city centre.

We want to hear your thoughts on transport in Bristol to feed into the consultation on the draft Bristol Transport Strategy. Consultation is open until 2nd November 2018.

After you have completed this simulator tool, please also complete our short questionnaire on the draft Bristol Transport Strategy document on the Bristol Transport Strategy consultation web page.

We look forward to hearing your views.

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